Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Team FUN!

I have done a rather poor job of updating our blog lately.  But, let's put that aside.  Nothing too crazy has been going on but we have been having a lot of fun!  Needless to say...this will be a big post :]

Brian's job is still going great.  He is learning how to be more efficient with what he has to do and even helping other people do the same.  Between creating a number system to sort student numbers and teaching people to send emails 40X quicker they are loving his help!  We joke that if he had a computer degree he could be one of their computer-tech guys! The newest thing is that we are now eligible to start school again.  A few months off and now it's time to become graduate students!!  God has truly blessed us.  We could have never seen the opportunity for B to go back to school for free and me for 80% off to be one of the reasons God was leading us towards SD.  That is one blessing that we are still in awe of!

My job at Sylvan is going great!  Now that I've been there for close to two months I am understanding how all of the programs work much better.  Earlier this week I had one of those realizations that I didn't have to think about what to do next anymore.  It feels nice to have a rhythm and be a part of things.  I now have some more administrative responsibilities that I am really enjoying.  Those that went to school with me know how much I like do admin/office type things.  The people I work with are just lovely-it's a great fit!

We have been up to a lot of fun lately. Somehow we put a bunch of great activities all together.

Two weeks ago we had a lovely fall weekend of apple picking with Brian's family.  We were just expecting his parents but Greg (B's brother) came down from San Fran to surprise us! The five of us went to a Tehachepi and came away with about 40 apples each!

About a week ago Thursday B and I geeked out...I mead geeeeeeeeeeeeeeked out.  We went with a few friends to see...wait for it.........Lord of the Rings in Orchestra.  It ended up being a blast!  They played the entire first movie on the screen while the German National Orchestra played the music for the entire 3 hours!  There were points where we would get distracted and only be watching the movie because they played so well.

The next night we went to a pumpkin patch.  That one was upon my request!  We went up to Lakeside to get a few pumpkins and go on a hay ride.  What a lovely place!  The patch we went to was way more than a parking lot pumpkin store.  It was on a farm where they grow the pumpkins and people can go pick them from the ground.  A cow had been born that afternoon so we were given the opportunity to go see it as a part of our hay ride.  After the ride, playing kiddie games, petting animals and finding someone to take a picture of us (usually we can only get one of us int he picture!) we enjoyed sorting through their pumpkins.  Our house is quite festive now.  A

Our apartment doesn't look quite like this but......still a lot of gourds!

Baby cow-born that day

A picture together! YES!

And, somehow there is more fun!  The next day, after a great brunch-date, we did archery....yup....arrows...targets...the whole shebang.  We found it on groupon a while ago.  Mr. Archery-Merit-Badge-Counselor husband of mine decided to teach me.  We had a great time.  I never missed the target-woo!  And, B was the star of the class.  He won the game we played by getting closest to the center and then hit the exact center! There was even a prize involved.

Hash House for brunch! They are known for their crazy large portions.  B and I split this meal and only ate 3/4 of it!

That's right!  And I always hit the yellow, red or blue. 

They call hitting the exact middle joining the spider club.

Then to end the hoopla we had a big group of friends over to watch the ASU game and eat apple crisp.  There were still so many apples left from the prior week's events!  
Life in SD is going lovely.  There is much more going on that is less surface than the fun we've been having but maybe I'll go into that tomorrow!  This weekend is going to be a quick turn-around to PHX for my sister-in-law-to-be's bridal shower!  Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

You guys are so adorable! This post makes me want to go to SD Now!

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