Friday, August 26, 2011


Here are a few pictures to update on our 'projects' in the house.  We seem to love having things hung up on our walls.  Something new joins ever week!

This picture is above our TV, in between the bookshelves.  It was a steal: originally over $100 and we bought it at a closing sale for $5!

Shadow boxes, pictures, and other decorations in our hallway.

This project was a beast.  It started with 1 1/2 hours of me attempting to hang the shelves, another hour of B trying to hang the shelves, then a 2 hour excursion to Home Depot (my latest episode of getting lost) and another 2 hours of work. is accomplished.

Both of us are excited to buy a house in a few years that we can continue to decorate and have fun with.

Hello from San Diego

Brian and I decided we wanted to start a blog so we could keep people in the loop about our new life!  Hopefully we'll keep it up and running.

Today marks us being married for two months already.  I could swear the wedding was yesterday and we just got back from our honeymoon.  God has been quick to work over here.  Brian and I have both been through our second jobs (technically), we have pregnant friends, our apartment is radically different and we're learning a lot about each other. 
Let's see what I can update you about.....

B: Brian was working at Starbucks for about 1 1/2 months before the wedding.  He continued to look for jobs that could use his communication skills but no luck.  Mr. Talkative wasn't letting those skills go to waste though.  He quickly became friends with all of the regulars.  B knew their story, they knew his/ours.  The opportunity arose for him to meet with the VP of Bridgepoint Education to talk business ethics and resume stuff.  Long story is his last day of a 2-week training at one of their schools, Ashford University.  The company is huge on being involved in the community.  (We went to a Padres game and saw their signs everywhere and the next week at a concert in the park)  God has put him in a place that uses his communication skills and love for helping people. 

D:  I have been busy at work making sure our apartment is up kept perfectly.  (Mainly because for the first 2 months of living here I didn't have a job).  I am surprised at how many dishes we go through.  There are only two of us here and yet I do a load of dishes almost every day.  My theory is because I love presentation.  I use twice as many dishes because I like to present them on a clean plate or in a clean bowl.  The apartment is us.  It's covered with pictures of places we've been, filled with cozy pillows and overall a warm place. I don't get lost very much anymore.  The first few weeks I had to call B almost every day asking, "how do I get to Kohls?", "where is Old Navy?", "B, I can't find Home Depot!!"  That only happens in a blue moon; I feel like I'm getting the hang out it.  Monday was the first day of my training at Sylvan as a teacher.  I was on hold with Starbucks for an entire month and then I was asked to take the teaching position.  So far it's perfect.  God knew that I needed a job I didn't take home, I could start going to grad school with, used my teaching degree and made my heart happy.  He has provided us both with so much and we are so grateful!

B's new job will allow us to go back to grad school soon for almost free.  When he told me that I was amazed.  What did we do to deserve so many blessings?  I don't know, but I am so grateful. 
We have both been getting involved at our church (Skyline) as high school leaders.  What a wonderful place to create relationships and help encourage the students.  Camp was a week that we were able to get close with a lot of them.  I'm excited to take that and go into small groups.  Those start in about 2 weeks.  B and I will both be leading high school groups and building more relationships with the students.  Also, we joined a young-married group.  The first meeting is 1 1/2 weeks...we are really glad that there is that opportunity to be a part of that. 

Everything in San Diego is going really well.  The first two months of being married have been wonderful.  Each day we learn how we can love the other better and we need.  I think one of the biggest eye opening things for me has been learning more about what I need. Not only am I learning about myself and how I can communicate my needs to B, I get to learn more about how my actions and words can build him up and love him more.  It's great.  It's work.  But, it's great work.

Tomorrow we are going to the fair.  Awesome.