Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The everydays

The land of the Lawrence family was starting to slow down and now it's picking back up again! Last month we traveled out of town three weekends in a row.  Time with family was wonderful: San Francisco, Phoenix, and LA! We went from moderate at home, to cold weather in San Fran, to scorching hot in Phoenix, and leveled out in LA.  We'll be glad to fall to come, with it's sweaters, backed goods, and now the start of football season!

Sun Devil football is big talk over here. While we may  not get to attend you can bet jerseys are worn and tv's are primed for the night.
Sun Devil football!

 In exciting news, things are picking up with school and new (ish) jobs.  B and I are both 7 of 12 classes into our masters.  The extra difficult classes have officially begun (they actually begun two classes ago) and we are in the home stretch.  Prayers for sanity and sleep are always welcomed ;)
About two weeks ago B and I were both promoted to new jobs.  We are working at the same places, but different positions.  New, exciting challenges and changing lives!

Lately, we've been praying for this little guy:
Trenton is the 4 month son of our friends, Greg and Jill Boaz.  He was diagnosed with biliary atresia, a disease affecting his liver.  In a short amount of time, he has already spent a third of his little life in the hospital going through surgeries and tests.  We continue to pray for healing and God's hand as they go through this time. 

The next few weeks bring papers, new responsibilities, longer papers, the end of summer, papers, papers, and hopefully some good friend time.  Soon we take a break and take a mini-vacation.  Until then, we write!


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